A 50-Year Citation: what an achievement!
On Thursday 12 January, the Provincial Grand Secretary Robert Anderson led a Delegation of Provincial Officers to Friendship From Service Lodge where Tom Quinn, PGM, is Treasurer.
In the R.A.M. Lodge Irfan Awan was installed as Worshipful Commander, a ceremony conducted in fine style by his predecessor Stephen Schofield. Then, almost without stopping for breath, Stephen changed regalia, opened the Mark Lodge as Master and gave a ritual tour de force in Advancing Bro. Ramzee into the Mark Degree.
The second highlight of the meeting was a presentation by Tom Quinn to R.W. Bro. Brian Vickers (senior member of the Lodge) of a certificate from the Grand Master commemorating Brian’s 50 years as a Mark Mason. The PGM preceded this by a short Eamon Andrews-style presentation of Brian’s long and varied life so far, which he then presented to Brian in a suitably red folder to accompany the certificate.
The festive board which followed began with the piping in of the haggis, which was addressed by the PGM in his customary entertaining style, then the brethren enjoyed the carvery.
The Lodge Treasurer Tom won a raffle prize and decided quite rightly that it should be presented to Brian on his golden jubilee of advancement.
The whole afternoon, including the warmth of the Lodge Members’ welcome to their guests, was an unforgettable experience and if Mark Masonry is this enjoyable barely ten days into the new year, how much more joy and excitement in the Mark Degree in the Province of London must there be to come!