A New Banner for University of London Mark Lodge No.1389
The meeting of the University of London Mark Lodge on December 14th was a very busy one with the Installation of a new Worshipful Master W.Bro R. Saravanamuttu and the presentation of Grand Lodge certificates. But the highlight of the day was the presentation and dedication of the new lodge banner by R.W Bro David Ashbolt, the PGM, assisted by his full team of officers and a delegation of Provincial Grand Officers. The banner was generously donated by V.W Bro Gordon Catford who was the very first Advancee at the foundation of the lodge back in 1972. The delightful ceremony of parading the banner around the lodge was followed by an excellent and informative oration on the nature and importance of banners in general, and this one in particular, by the Deputy Provincial Grand Chaplain.