DPGM Tom Quinn visits La France Lodge 17th October 2016
A small but distinguished Delegation of Provincial Officers visited La France Lodge No. 459 on the morning of Monday 17th October. Headed by W. Bro. Tom Quinn, DepPGM and, on his maiden outing as Escorting Officer, W. Bro. Tony Bown.
All enjoyed the slightly unusual experience of listening to ritual in French but given the exactness of the way in which La France Lodge conforms absolutely to the RAM and Mark Ceremonies, everyone was completely familiar with the proceedings of the morning and afternoon. These consisted of the Installation of WC in RAM and the rehearsal of the Advancement Ceremony. Both of these were conducted to an excellent standard and the DepPGM was presented with a Mark Ritual Book in French (as Tom says, hopefully not with the intention of being asked to deliver any of it in open Lodge!). The Lodge also presented its cheque in favour of the Province’s MBF Appeal Supporting Hope for Tomorrow. Amongst the photographs will be noted Bro. Jerome Charvet with his new RAM Certificate, standing with Tom and the newly installed “Venerable Commandeur”, W. Bro, Jean-Marc Lagrange. In the group photograph with the Lodge members will also be seen Bro. Colin Howard of Horus Lodge. Colin (a fluent French speaker) acted as Candidate for the rehearsal which contributed greatly to everyone’s enjoyment of the event. An excellent carvery luncheon followed with all the usual Toasts (in French mostly!) and the singing of the National Anthem, which our French Brethren sang in English, followed by La Marseillaise. Our Continental Brethren departed afterwards for their various destinations across France having spent a happy and convivial day in London.