Full Team Visit to Macdonald 104 on 29 March 2016
Led by the Provincial Grand Master, David Ashbolt, a generous Delegation of Provincial Grand Officers were delighted to attend both the RAM Installation and an Advancement into Mark. The RAM meeting was conducted in a very competent and heartfelt manner which was appreciated by all who witnessed it. The PGM was, as usual delighted to assist wherever possible which included his presentation of the RAM Certificate to Bro., The Rev. Martin Charles.
In the Mark Degree, W Bro Gurdeep Virdee undertook the commencement and the ending of the ceremony of Advancement handing the chair over to W Bro Roger Hare who was absolutely exceptional in his flawless rendering of the major part and will certainly be very memorable for the Advancee, Bro. Andrew Moore. The Lodge was presented with the Axe for their very generous achievement of attaining the Platinum Award for the Mini-bus/Hope for Tomorrow Appeal and a very happy PGM relieved them of a further substantial contribution. As is the established custom, the Provincial Mad Axeman (Charles Newman – him of the bad back) placed the Axe in its rightful place on the JW’s Pedestal. This presentation was the 40th Axe which has been made by Charlie, with (at least) another couple to come!