Grand Master’s Lodges of Instruction Festival “London Pride” Friday 29th April 2016
Well, that’s it. All over. The Grand Master’s Lodges of Instruction Festival for 2016 was held on Friday 29th April and what a great success it was. Our RWPGM, David Ashbolt as President, together with RW Bro. Ray Smith AGM, presided over two excellent Demonstrations – Elevation and Advancement. In the splendid surroundings of Grand Temple a record Festival attendance of something approaching 450 Brethren were witnesses to a feast of Royal Ark Mariner and Mark ceremony and ritual, followed by a Banquet in the Grand Connaught Rooms. From the many happy faces and the compliments offered to the Demonstration Teams, it was obvious that everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the experience of seeing these beautiful and interesting Degrees worked to such a high standard by the small band of enthusiastic and capable brethren who constitute the Grand Master’s L of I.
During his Toast to the Festival President, the Past President made reference to the standards set by RW Bro. David Ashbolt in bringing the Festival to Grand Temple and, given the success of the event, he should feel justly proud (London Pride as he put it) of what had been achieved in terms of support from the Province of London and its many friends in the neighbouring Provinces. In his response, our PGM thanked those who had come to support the Festival and made a plea for all those who could, to attend Grand Master’s L of I rehearsals (first and third Mondays, September to April at Mark Masons’ Hall) to improve their knowledge and expertise in the working of the Mark and R.A.M. ceremonies. RW Bro. David Ashbolt then went on to toast the Grand Master’s LofI and compliment them on such fine ceremonies, in part adapted so well, to suit the challenges presented by Grand Temple. This Toast was met with great acclaim by the brethren present and responded to, in his usual eloquent style, by the LofI Preceptor, V.W. Bro. David Pascho.
Next year’s Festival will be held on 25th April 2017 at Northampton. Full details will appear on this website and as our PGM will have a part to play at that Festival Banquet and be present himself to support RW Bro. George Bonham, it is hoped that there will be good support from London brethren.