Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Just another typical BA (TI) meeting with the DepGM, GSec and our own PGM in attendance

The dignitaries above were joined by the ProvGDC, Wes Hollands – ostensibly to keep them in check, so I believe. Leastways, that’s what Wes was purporting to do! It was a relaxed and informal occasion where we were treated to a sectional rendering of the Ceremonial by half a dozen very accomplished members of BA. A recent Advancee, Gary Mancini, was presented with his Mark Grand Lodge Certificate by the very person who had signed it; RW Bro Angus Hannagan The Grand Secretary. The Grand Secretary delivered this in his own, very personal manner which was appreciated by not just Bro Gary, but by all of us lucky enough to have been present. It was also a great pleasure to see our Bro Peter Cornish attending. A wonderful Carvery meal followed and everything was conducted in a warm and friendly BA atmosphere.

Reporting by Chris James

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