Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

On the 26th February 2019 W. Bro. Tim MacAndrews APGM visited Brixton Lodge No 234.

Deep in the bowels of Mark Masons’ Hall lies the Johann Gutenberg lodge room. It was here that Brixton lodge held their meeting on the 26th February. Attending the APGM W. Bro. Tim MacAndrews were four Provincial Grand Officers, also present was the Deputy (not for much longer) Provincial Grand Master VW. Bro. Tom Quinn.

It not being an Installation meeting the lodge invited W. Bro. Alexander Muncan Worship Master of the Abernethy lodge No 569 to come as a guest and conduct a demonstration of the Advancement ceremony for the benefit of the Brethren present. Brixton lodge being a special opportunities lodge there were a few vacant offices which were filled by members of the delegation. Needless to say that under the guidance of W. Bro. Alexander Muncan the ceremony was carried out to a very high standard even if some of the visiting Provincial Grand Officers contrived to have sneaky peeks at their little blue books.

After the meeting the Brethren retired to the festive board where they were later joined for a short while by the P.G.M. RW. Bro. David Ashbolt who contrived to coerce VW. Bro. Tom Quinn to accompany him as he made his way round the other festive boards, hence his absence in the photos taken of the Brethren seated at the festive board.

Richard Veness

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