Once a Scout, always a Scout!
On the day that UK Scouting announces its strategy for growing the Movement to offer it to even more young people (see http://scouts.org.uk/about-us/strategy/vision-for-2023), the Province is pleased to tell you about plans for our very own Scout Mark Lodge in the Province of London.
The Lodge will be called The Ralph Reader Lodge MMM, named after the founder of the Gang Show and one of the best known London Scouts and Freemasons.
It will have a Scouting flavour with features familiar to all those who have ever taken the Scout promise, including
– we will hold meetings in Scout uniform (for those who are current members of The Scouts)
– members will wear the distinctive Lodge necker (red – after the Gang Show necker – plus the Lodge badge) at the festive board
– we will sing the Scout Hymn as the closing ode
And more …
We will meet on the second Saturday in February (I), May and October at Mark Masons’ Hall.
The Lodge is for Mark Master Masons who have, or have had, a connection with Scouting and who support its purpose. Its purpose is to develop closer ties between Mark Masonry and Scouting in London.
Our charitable activities will support Scouting and young people in London.
Our next Founders’ Meeting will be on Monday, 30th July, at which we will agree the Officers, budgets and discuss ceremonial practices.
We are setting the Founders’ Fee as low as we can to encourage all who wish to be involved to come and join us. It will be less than £100.
You too can be a founder of this Lodge and help start a fresh, new and exciting Lodge within the Province of London.
The PGM is very excited by this further enhancement of the Province and the additional opportunities which such a Special Interest Lodge introduces into Mark Masonry in London. He is taking a keen interest in developments and those signing up for this new Lodge; and he will be reinforcing this message in his Address at the Annual Meeting on 12th July.
To become a Founder, contact Sanjiv Gohil with your details. More information about the Lodge and a Founder’s Form can be found here.