Provincial Grand Master David Ashbolt and his Team at Italia for a Banner Dedication and SEVEN Advancements!
It was a tremendous attendance of the Provincial Team to attend the Banner Dedication for Italia. This was superbly conducted by the PGM, David Ashbolt ably assisted by the ProvGChaplain, W.Bro Michael Seymour Jones, the ProvGSW VW Bro Brian Parkins and the Assistant Prov GSec W Bro David James. All with support from the indomitable W Bro Wes Hollands, ProvGDC. The whole of the ceremony was very well choreographed and was enjoyed by all.
Prior to the Banner Dedication we were treated to the Advancement of a further 7 new members for Italia Lodge 1467. The complete Ceremony was conducted in Italian and was, of course, word perfect (intelligence courtesy of W Bro Edoardo!!) The Executive once more showed their willingness to assist in the communication of the secrets of the Degree. A cheque in the sum of £1000 was presented to the PGM by the WM for next year’s appeal.
We dined at the now famous Carvery and were delighted to receive a glass of Single Barrel American Whiskey accompanied by a delicious slice of another on of VW Bro Jerry Gangadeen’s fabulous cakes and were all presented with a facsimile of the new Banner.
Reporting by Chris James