The Deputy Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Tom Quinn and a number of Provincial Grand Officers visit Egerton of Tatton lodge on the 14th May.
The deputy Provincial Grand Master and those members of the delegation who managed to arrive early enough were treated to a most enjoyable Matier Royal Ark Mariner lodge meeting where the W. Commander, W. Bro. Christopher Brasset ably supported by his officers performed a most excellent ceremony of Elevation for Bro. Abdul Bardan. After the lodge was closed the Deputy Provincial Grand Master asked that a photograph be taken (see attached) of the candidate, W. Commander and himself to record the event.
There then followed the Egerton of Tatton Mark meeting. The main item on the agenda for the meeting was to install W. Bro. John Burnapp into the chair of Adoniram, which was carried out in an excellent manner by the outgoing Master W. Bro. Ruel Lawrence. Mention here must be made of W. Bro. Jules Greenwall who was asked to deliver the address to the Master without any warning whatsoever! W. Bro. Jules stepped forward and without consulting the book delivered the address in a most commanding manner requiring only a couple of prompts along the way. At its conclusion the Brethren showed their appreciation for such a sterling performance by giving him a spontaneous round of applause.
After the usual parish notices the meeting concluded with the obligatory group photos after which the Brethren retired to the bar prior to attending a most convivial festive board.
Richard Veness