Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

VW. Bro. Jerry Gangadeen APGM together with a delegation of Provincial Grand Officers visit United Services lodge No 489 on the 8th November.

VW. Bro. Jerry Gangadeen APGM, together with a number of Provincial Grand Officers visited United Services lodge on the occasion of their Installation meeting. The Worshipful Master being unavoidably absent the IPM W. Bro. Brian Phillips took the chair for the first part on the meeting. Brother Secretary, W. Bro. Nigel Capelin then took over the chair and proceeded to install W. Bro. Brian Kingman as Master of the lodge in an excellent manner. The New Master then appointed and invested all his officer who were present.
After the obligatory photographs at the end of the meeting the Brethren retired to the Albany room via the bar for a most enjoyable festive board.

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