W. Bro. Chris James the Provincial Grand Junior Warden together with a select number of Provincial Grand Officers visit Woodard Lodge one of our Special Opportunities’ lodges on the 17th October 2018.
- The Master W. Bro. Rodney Budd together with members of the lodge and members of the delegation
- W. Bro. Chris James and the Master W. Bro. Rodney Budd
- The Prov. Grand Junior Warden and his escorting officer W. Bro. Mark Schreiber
- The APGM W. Bro. Cliff Sturt
On the 17th October W. Bro. Chris James paid his first ever visit as the official representative of the Provincial Grand Master to Woodard Lodge. Although small in number the welcome we received as a delegation was very warm and friendly.
Those of the delegation who arrived soon enough were treated to a most enjoyable Elevation of Bro. Robert Wooldridge by members of the R.A.M. lodge which included one of the newest joining members W. Bro. Attilio Grandani.
At the end of the R.A.M. meeting and after a short break the Mark lodge was then opened and W. Bro. Chris entered the lodge in procession and carried out his duties as the representative of the PGM in a most capable and proficient manner, possibly due to the fact that he was under the eagle eye of W. Bro. Cliff Sturt (A.P.G.M.) who has also recently joined the lodge and was occupying the Junior Wardens chair.
The main item on the agenda was to install W. Bro. Rodney Budd as Master for the ensuing year. The Installation was carried out in fine style by the Master W. Bro. Dennis Eason. As W. Bro. Rodney Budd had been the I.P.M. it was simply a case of swopping chairs. The new Master then appointed and invested his officers which was mainly a case of members staying in their current offices. Due to time constraints it was decided that the addresses should be held over to a future meeting, however W. Bro. Chris James expressed a desire to deliver the address to the Brethren as he said that he had spent a considerable time learning it and he was anxious to see how well he could deliver it. Needless to say it was very well delivered and was much appreciated by all who were there.
The evening concluded with a most enjoyable festive board which was graced for a few moments by the P.G.M. RW. Bro. David Ashbolt accompanied by the Prov. G.D.C. W. Bro. Wes Hollands.
Woodard Lodge is a most friendly and welcoming lodge and as a lodge of Special Opportunities’ deserves all the assistance we can give, so if you are thinking of increasing your involvement in the province and possibly looking to progress more quickly this is definitely a lodge worth considering.
Richard Veness