W. Bro. Henry Hobson, Assistant Provincial Grand Master and 12 Provincial Grand Officers visited Irenic lodge on Wednesday the 17th April
- W. Bro. Henry Hobson and members of the delegation.
- The Worshipful Master and members of Irenic lodge together with some of the members of the delegation.
- The APGM and the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Steven Weeks.
- The Escorting Officer, W. Bro. Gurdeep Virdee.
- The PGM. RW. Bro. David Ashbolt and VW. Bro. Tom Quinn the PGM designate.
- W. Bro. Tim MacAndrews (DPGM designate) and W. Bro. Cliff Sturt APGM.
- W. Bro. Wes Hollands (APGM designate) and W. Bro. Chris James.
- W. Bro. Marios Styliandes succeeding in swelling the ranks of the 500 club.
- The Worshipful Master and the Installing Master W. Bro. Richard Roscoe.
- The Brethren drinking a bumper toast to Provincial Grand Master.
W. Bro. Henry Hobson paid his last official visit to Irenic lodge on the occasion of their Installation meeting. In addition to the 12 members of his delegation there were also a majority of the Provincial Executive who had just finished a committee meeting. At the commencement of the meeting VW. Bro. Tom Quinn acted as the Junior Warden and during the Installation of Bro. Steven Weeks, RW. Bro. David Ashbolt stood in as the Inner Guard. The outgoing Master W. Bro. Richard Roscoe treated those present to an exemplary performance of the full installation of a Worshipful Master including the presentation of the working tools and the address to the Master. After the new Master had installed his new officers W. Bro. Henry Hobson presented two of the brethren with their Grand Lodge certificates and the meeting concluded with two notices of motion to the effect that at their next meeting they would ballot for electing both the Provincial Grand Master and W. Bro. Henry Hobson to be honorary members of the lodge.
The Brethren then retired to the bar prior to sitting down to a most enjoyable carvery festive board at which W. Bro. Marios Styliandes the Provincial Grand Charity Steward manged to cajole a good number of Brethren to sign up to the 500 club. The meal ended when the Brethren assembled sang a loud chorus of “For he’s a jolly good fellow” to the retiring Provincial Grand Master RW. Bro. David Ashbolt followed by a bumper toast to him.
Richard Veness