Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Vaudeville Lodge No 801 PLUS 500 CLUB DRAW 24th June 2014

500 Club

After a very enjoyable and entertaining meeting on 24th June, 2014 of Vaudeville RAM and Mark No. 801 the annual 500 Club draw took place at the festive board under the watchful eye of R.W. Bro. David F. Ashbolt, Provincial Grand Master.

The Brethren successful in the draw were

1st Prize W.Bro. Ron Shaw New Era Lodge No. 176 £500
2nd Prize W.Bro. Barry Pewter Tuscan Lodge No.454 £250
3rd Prize W. Bro. Howard Buckland Prudence & Verity Lodge No. 932 £200
4th Prize W. Bro. Niall Johnston Bon Accord Lodge TI £150

Congratulations to them all.

W. Bro Harvey Roland PGSD, RAMGR
Provincial Grand Secretary.

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