Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro Tim MacAndrews PGJD visits Prudence & Verity Lodge No 932 on 21 February 2022

W Bro Tim MacAndrews, PGJD, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by a delegation of Provincial Grand Officers, visited Prudence & Verity Lodge No 932 on Monday 21st February. In a full meeting, W Bro Chris Probyn, PPGJW (Middx), was installed as Worshipful Masterby W Bro Derek Bell, PPAGDC, in a well executed ceremony. This was followed by a very moving and well illustrated presentation of a Certificate marking his fifty years as a member of the Lodge to W Bro Stewart Clyne, PGStB, PPGSW by W.Bro Tim MacAndrews. Later in the evening, at the Festive Board, the Lodge was honoured with a short visit by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Tom Quinn, who came to toast and congratulate W Bro Stewart Clyne on his remarkable achievement.

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