DPGM W. Bro Tim MacAndrews visits Gallipoli R.A.M. and Mark Lodges No. 487 on 19 February 2022
On the morning of Saturday 19th February the Dep.Prov.G.M. W. Bro Tim MacAndrews visited Gallipoli Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.1984 prior to his delegation visit to its Mark lodge, and witnessed the Lodge Secretary, Ray Bodell, installing Bro.Yucel Inan as the 4th Commander of the lodge. It was Bro Inan’s first ever chair in any order.
After a short recess, W. Bro Tim and a delegation of Provincial Grand Officers were warmly welcomed to the Gallipoli Mark Lodge by the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Cagri Turkkorur and the lodge members into the Grand Temple of Mark Masons’ Hall. Following investment of officers absent from the Installation meeting, Bro. Atila Madakbas was successfully balloted for and then advanced as a Mark Master Mason.
Both the RAM business and the whole of the Mark meeting was conducted in Turkish, although this did not stop W Bro Tim and the rest of the delegation enjoying the meetings.
Immediately after closing of the lodge, most brothers hurried upstairs skipping the usual bar visit to dine in the Earl of Euston Room. W Bro Tim along with the new and the Immediate Past Worshipful Commanders and Masters gave appropriate toasts. It was a joint Festive Board with Namik Kemal Lodge No. 2019 which were scheduled to meet in the afternoon following the carvery luncheon. Unfortunately the Brothers had to restrain themselves as to the amount of wine they consumed. Nevertheless, with the carvery lunch and some desert everyone seemed very happy and content.