Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James’s Street, London

Olive Branch Pin for an excellent Elevation Ceremony

Brethren, you will recall that the PGM has instituted a new award for an Excellent Ceremony of Elevation – the Olive Branch Pin. We already have three winners for this new prestigious award, which would have been presented for the first time at our July Annual Meeting. Sadly that event will not now take place and it remains to be seen when ‘lockdown’ will be ended and we can get together again to enjoy our real Mark/RAM Masonry in place of the virtual meetings and contacts we are currently enduring. However, the current suspension of Masonry has not prevented the production of the Olive Branch Pins – and as a taster, above is a picture of our PGM proudly sporting one.

Tom has also issued a challenge. Due to the lockdown, and as there are doubtless many good Royal Ark Mariner ritualists out there who might have time on their hands and the capacity to get their noses buried in the R.A.M. ritual book again, the rules governing an attempt at the Olive Branch Pin will be relaxed until July 2022 to enable a Past Commander of a Lodge to apply to win this novel award. All other conditions as laid down within the following (see remain the same.

So, come on all you experienced Past Commanders, why not use the coming weeks and months to sharpen your R.A.M. ritual and have a go at this Olive Branch Pin as soon as normal business is resumed?! The PGM is looking forward to having a long queue of Commanders and Past Commanders to be presented with this lovely new lapel pin as soon as circumstances permit.

Finally, the Province would like to thank W. Bro. Alan Perry of Connaught Army and Navy Lodge (and one-time staff member at Central Regalia) for his efforts in designing the lapel pin and arranging its production. Well done, Alan!

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