PGM David Ashbolt & Delegation visit Highgate Lodge for a very special occasion. 25 June 16
This was a Mark Meeting with a Difference. This was the first time RW Bro David Ashbolt had been back to Highgate since he was the Consecrating Officer just a few years ago. He presented the Lodge with the Bronze Certificate for the Mini-Bus/Hope for Tomorrow Appeal and then, along with the members of his Delegation, assisted with the communication of the signs, tokens and word during the Ceremony of Advancement for FOURTEEN candidates – one from Highgate and 13 on behalf of Isma! The whole thing was excellently performed by W Bro Ray Bodell with very able assistance from his Officers and the whole “choreography” of the event was (apparently) very smoothly and effortlessly handled by the DC W Bro Ben White.
It was a most interesting presentation and one we will all remember for years to come.
More Photos will be uploaded once received.